Notification Details
- CATEGORY NO: 630/2023
- Department : Industries and Commerce
- Name of Post : Assistant Director
- Scale of pay : ₹. 56500-118100 /-
- Number of vacancies : 03 (Three)
- Method of appointment: Direct Recruitment
- Age limit 18-36;
Last advice details

A Degree of a recognised University in any branch of Engineering or Technology.
A Post Graduate Degree of a recognised University in Business Administration.


References for previous questions
- IEO previous question papers
- Assistant Director Industries and Commerce
- Kerala PSC poly lecturer( All branches)
- Kerala PSC Assistant Professor question paper(2016)
- For Civil, Mechanical, Industrial and Electrical additional questions refer Kerala PSC AE, Overseer, Workshop Instructor, SSC JE and RRB JE questions ( Selected topics as per syllabus)
- For Electronics additional questions: Electronic Mechanic and Power Electronics NIMI previous questions, junior Instructor Electronic Mechanic and Power Electronics, Tradesman electronics Kerala PSC Previous Questions, Upkar publications
- GATE Agricultural Engineering previous questions, Agricultural officer, Agricultural assistant (Selective topics)
- 8 GATE Chemical Engineering previous questions, Kerala water authority assistant engineer Chemical topics, Assistant Engineer pollution control board(Selective topics), Poly lecturer and assistant professor in Chemical engineering
Toppers strategy
- Develop toppers mindset
> Think as a candidate
> Think as a mentor
> Think as a question paper setter
Action plan
Phase I (Planning phase)
- Go through the syllabus & previous question paper, then analyse your strength and weakness and decide the mode of preparation as per your level of knowledge
- Collect the primary source of preparation
- Prepare an effective study plan and schedule time for practicing topic wise mcqs
Phase II (Action and continuous Improvement)
- Intensive preparation to attain concept clarity
- Topic wise practice, smart note making and mind mapping
- Revision and previous question practice
Phase III (Finishing phase)
- When the final syllabus is published, first cover the additional topics that is not included in the tentative syllabus and practice maximum MCQs as early as possible ( before 50 days of exams)
- Practice full syllabus based model exams and previous questions with effective time management (maximum 20 days)
- Do overall review of subjects and identify the missing areas, complete it (maximum15 days)
- Learn from your mistakes and have a quick revision and mind map (last 15 days)
Tech psc course details
- Expert faculties
- Full syllabus coverage + Smart study materials in pdf format
- Study plan + Scheduled topic wise exams
- Interactive live session + Recorded classes
- Doubt clearance and mentorship
- 5000 topic wise mcq discussion
- 20 model exams
- Course validity: up to exam