Food Safety Officer

Last advice details
- Category Number : 499/2019
- Applications Admitted : 28,434
- OMR Exam Date : 29/09/2020
- Cut-off Marks : 57.67
- DOE of Rank List : 09/06/2022
- No of Candidates in the main list : 114
- Maximum Marks for OMR Exam : 72.3
- Maximum Marks for Interview : 14
- Total Advice : 55
Status of Advice : Rank list currently exists and will expire on 8th June 2025
A Degree in Food Technology or Dairy Technology or Biotechnology or Oil Technology or Agricultural Science or Veterinary Sciences or Biochemistry or Microbiology or Masters Degree in Chemistry or Degree in Medicine from a University recognized by any of the Universities in Kerala, or its equivalent qualifications.

Preparation Strategy
Develop toppers mindset
> Think as a candidate
> Think as a mentor
> Think as a question paper setter


II Dairy Technology (5 MARKS)
Composition of milk- Physico – chemical properties of milk- milk hygiene- milk microbiology – Market milk: collection of milk- cooling and transportation– filtration/clarification- standardization- homogenization – pasteurization- UHT – sterilization- packaging. Tests for milk quality and detection of adulterants- dairy plant and equipment hygiene and sanitation. Definition, classification, composition, outline of manufacture, packaging, storage and defects of the following milk products: Cream, Malai, Dahi /Curd, yoghurt, Channa / Paneer, Cheese, Ice cream , Frozen desserts, Evaporated milk, Condensed milk, Milk powder, Butter, Ghee, Chakka and Shrikhand, Indigenous milk products. Foods for infant nutrition . Whey products, Edible casein products.
III Veterinary Sciences (5 MARKS)
Standards for organization and layout of abattoirs, handling and transport of meat animals including poultry. Ante mortem and post mortem examination. Scientific slaughtering and dressing of carcasses. Evaluation, grading and fabrication of dressed carcasses including poultry. Fraudulent substitution of meat, preservation of meat and aquatic foods. Ageing of meat. Packaging of meat and meat products. Physico-chemical and microbiological quality of meat and aquatic food and food products. Organic meat food products. Food products of genetically modified animals and marine origin. Meat as a source of disease transmission. Physical, chemical nutritional and functional characteristics of egg. Processing of Egg and egg products. Preservation and storage of egg.
IV Food Safety and Allied Laws (15 MARKS)
The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006; Rules and Regulations : Definitions – Authorities and Officers – Constitution, Functions and Powers –General Provisions as to Articles of Food, Ch. IV , SS.19 to 24- Prohibition Orders- Procedure for Investigation and Launching Prosecutions – Analysis of Food – Offences and Penalties – Defences – Adjudication. Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 : Definitions- Cognizance of offences by Magistrate, S.190 – Complaints to Magistrate, SS. 200 to 203 – Trial of Sessions cases, SS. 225 to 237 – Trial of Warrant Cases, SS.238 to 250- Trial of Summons Cases, SS. 251 to 259 – Summary Trial, SS. 260 to 265- Appeal, SS. 372 to 394 –Bail and Bonds, SS. 436 to 450. Indian Evidence Act, 1872: Definitions- Expert Evidence, S.45 – Documentary Evidence, SS. 61 to 78.
V Nutritional Biochemistry and Food Analysis (15 MARKS)
Chemical composition of food: Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, fiber, vitamins, and minerals – characteristics, sources, physiological and biochemical functions, daily requirement, digestion and absorption. Biological value of proteins (BV), Protein efficiency ratio (PER), Digestability coefficient, Net protein Utilization, Net Protein Ratio(NPR), Chemical Score, Free Radicals and Antioxidants. Energy value of foods, Respiratory Quotient (RQ), Determination of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), Determination of energy metabolism during work, Energy expenditure for various types of activities, Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), Specific Dynamic Action (SDA) of foods, Balanced diet formulation. Analytical techniques used in detection of adulteration of food: Principle, procedure and detectors of chromatographic techniques (Column, paper, TLC, HPLC and GC), Spectroscopic techniques (IR, UV, MS and AAS). Food Analysis – moisture content, ash, fat, carbohydrate, crude fibre, crude protein, sodium, potassium, calcium, and phosphates. Food adulteration: common adulteration, contamination and pesticide analysis. Oils and Fats – Iodine value and saponification value
VI Microbiological, Biotechnological and Medical aspects (10 MARKS)
Microscopy, staining and culture techniques, sterilization techniques, culture media, factors influencing microbial growth, growth curve, thermal death time and thermal death points, D-value, Z- value. Sources of microorganisms in food, perishable, semi perishable and non-perishable foods, intrinsic and extrinsic parameters influencing microbial content of food, Food spoilage-types, causes and indications. Control of spoilage-pre-harvesting and post harvesting food processing. Food Borne Diseases: Definition , Classification ( Food borne intoxications & Food borne infections), neurolathyrism, aflatoxins, Ergotism, Epidemic dropsy, Typhoid fever, Salmonellosis, Staphylococcal intoxication, Botulism, Bacillus cereus food poisoning, E.coli diarrhea, Cholera, Shigellosis, Brucellosis, Food poisoning: Types of food poisoning, method of investigation of food poisoning, prevention and control- food sanitation, refrigeration, surveillance. Food handlers: medical examination of food handlers, infections transmitted by food handlers, education of food handlers. Adulteration of foods: Health hazards
Sanitation of eating places: minimum standards, storage of uncooked foodstuffs, waste disposal, water supply and washing facilities. Fermented foods- types, production, organisms involved, advantages and disadvantages, spoilage of fermented foods. Microbiological analysis of food and water- qualitative and quantitative, indicator organisms, coliforms, detection of pathogens, molecular techniques for detection of microbes. Microbiological standards of food and water. Water purification for domestic and municipal purposes. Sewage treatment. Application of enzymes in food industry, production of food flavor and colour. Enzyme immobilization and applications. Use of amylase, invertase, protease, pectinase and cellulase in food industries. Bioreactors. Single-Cell Proteins. Molecular detection of food contamination. Genetically modified food and their labelling.
VII Agricultural Sciences (5 MARKS)
Post harvest handling : Physiology of maturity, ripening and senescence in cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables. Maturity indices and harvesting of vegetables. Post harvest losses, phases of loss and measures to reduce the losses. Fruits and vegetablescleaning and grading, methods of grading, equipment for grading of fruits and vegetables. Storage, grain storage, types of storage structures- traditional, improved and modern storage structures. Size reduction- Principles and equipment for size reduction. Edible mushrooms. Stored product pests and their management – preventive and curative methods. Rodent management : principles and methods of control; Rodenticides – acute poisons, chronic poisons, fumigants. Fumigation, baits, baiting and rat proofing.
VIII Constitution and Civil Rights (10 MARKS)
Constituent Assembly – Preamble – Fundamental Rights – Directive principles – Fundamental Duties – Citizenship – Constitutional Amendments – Panchayath Raj – Constitutional Institutions and their Functions – Emergency- Union List- State List – Concurrent List.
IX Mental Ability and Test of Reasoning (10 MARKS)
Calculation & Logic – Coding & Decoding- Classification- Synonym- Antonym Letter & Number Series- Odd Man Out- Analogy- Common Sense Test- Alphabetical Arrangement of Words- Date and Calendar- Sense of Direction- Etc.
X General English (10 MARKS)
Grammar – Agreement of Subject and Verb – Confusing Adjectives and Adverbs – Comparison of Adjectives – Correct usage of Articles – Prepositions – Direct and Indirect Speech – Active and Passive Voice – Correction in Sentences – etc. Vocabulary – Gender – Singular and Plural – Synonyms – Antonyms – One word Substitutes – Problem concerning words – Idioms and their meanings – etc.
References: Any Kerala PSC Degree level rank file